What’s the JavaScript Nullish Coalescing operator?

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What is it?

The bullish coalescing operator is a long name for such a small and unassuming ??. Its job is to take two values, the left-hand side and right-hand side. If the left-hand side is null or undefined it will return the right-hand side. To better explain it, let’s have a look at an example.

A coffee ordering example

function orderCoffee(options = {}) {
  const sugarAmount = options.addSugar ?? "ask customer for sugar";

  return `Coffee (${Number.isInteger(sugarAmount) ? `${sugarAmount * 5}g of sugar` : sugarAmount})`;

console.log("Order #1 - " + orderCoffee({}));
console.log("Order #2 - " + orderCoffee({ addSugar: 0 }));
console.log("Order #3 - " + orderCoffee({ addSugar: 1 }));

// Output
// Order #1 - Coffee (ask customer for sugar)
// Order #2 - Coffee (0g of sugar)
// Order #3 - Coffee (5g of sugar)

We’ve got an orderCoffee function that takes some options, just one option for now, specifically addSugar. If the customer specifies how much sugar they want, we append the amount like, (5g of sugar), to the end of our order string. If the customer doesn’t tell us, we make a note to ask them.

Why not ||?

The null coalescing operator is useful in this situation because options.addSugar can be a number or undefined. If we were to use the || operator, we might get some slightly different results.

Let’s have a look at the output if we changed to using the logical or operator:

function orderCoffee(options = {}) {
  const sugarAmount = options.addSugar || "ask customer for sugar";

  return `Coffee (${Number.isInteger(sugarAmount) ? `${sugarAmount * 5}g of sugar` : sugarAmount})`;

console.log("Order #1 - " + orderCoffee({}));
console.log("Order #2 - " + orderCoffee({ addSugar: 0 }));
console.log("Order #3 - " + orderCoffee({ addSugar: 1 }));

// Output
// Order #1 - Coffee (ask customer for sugar)
// Order #2 - Coffee (ask customer for sugar)
// Order #3 - Coffee (5g of sugar)

Notice that order #1 is the same and order #3 is the same, but order #2 is incorrect. The customer has told us they don’t want coffee but || sees the number 0 as a falsey value!

Where is it useful?

I’ve found ?? useful for defaults. In the example, we have an options object that’s passed in to orderCoffee. ?? allows use to take the value that’s passed in or, if nothing has been provided, we can choose a nice default instead.

What’s the old way of doing it?

Without ??, the common way would be to use || but this leads to bugs like we saw above. So, the next best thing would be to check explicitly like this:

function orderCoffee(options = {}) {
  let sugarAmount = "ask customer for sugar";
  if (Number.isInteger(options.addSugar)) {
    sugarAmount = `${options.addSugar * 5}g of sugar`;

  return `Coffee (${sugarAmount})`;

This isn’t too bad, but it can become quite verbose if we had more options, we’d have to have a lot more repeated if statements. It’s a small improvement that won’t be useful all the time but it can come in handy and is a nice tool to add to your JavaScript toolbelt.


Seth Corker

A Fullstack Software Engineer working with React and Django. My main focus is JavaScript specialising in frontend UI with React. I like to explore different frameworks and technologies in my spare time. Learning languages (programming and real life) is a blast.