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You’ll often hear talk about Phoenix a lot in the Elixir ecosystem but there are a few other options for web servers. We’re going to take a look at what underpins Phoenix and see how to create a simple web server in Elixir. We’ll use plug_cowboy
which combines the Erlang web server Cowboy and a nice adapter Plug.
What we’re making
We’re going to make what can barely be called a web server, it’s simply going to respond with “Hello World” over HTTP/1.1. It’s a humble start but from here, it’s easy to add routing, serve static assets, make your own API and more.
If you’d like to see the code right away - take a look at the example repo here.
Creating a simple server
We’ll create a new project, add the only dependency we need - plug_cowboy
, then do a little bit of setup.
Create a new project
Let’s start with a new app: mix new simple_plug_rest --sup
, this will create a barebones Elixir project.
Now, installplug_cowboy
in mix.exs
like so:
def deps do
{:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.0"}
You can update the dependencies afterwards by running mix deps.get
Create a simple Plug
A plug is a specification for our web server, let’s make a simple plug based on that simply replies with “Hello World”.
defmodule SimplePlugRest do
@moduledoc """
A Plug that always responds with a string
import Plug.Conn
def init(options) do
@doc """
Simple route that returns a string
@spec call(Plug.Conn.t(), any) :: Plug.Conn.t()
def call(conn, _opts) do
|> put_resp_content_type("text/plain")
|> send_resp(200, "Hello World")
Setup Application:
The final piece of the puzzle is to start the Cowboy server as a supervised process and tell plug_cowboy
which plug to use.
defmodule SimplePlugRest.Application do
@moduledoc false
use Application
@impl true
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
# Start `SimplePlugRest` and listen on port 3000
{Plug.Cowboy, scheme: :http, plug: SimplePlugRest, options: [port: 3000]}
# See
# for other strategies and supported options
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: SimplePlugRest.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
Start your web server up by running mix run --no-halt
then visit localhost:3000
in your browser! It’s not pretty, but it works.
What about JSON?
One of the most common response types nowadays is JSON. If you’d like, you can leverage the jason package to encode a map in Elixir.
To get started, add {:jason, "~> 1.1"}
to your mix.exs
Then use Jason.encode!
to encode the data. If you were to build upon this, a simple helper function could do make creating a json payload easier.
In the meantime, the call
method will look something like this:
def call(conn, _opts) do
body = Jason.encode!(%{hello: "world"})
|> put_resp_content_type("application/json")
|> send_resp(200, body)
That’s it. You now have the building blocks for creating a web server in Elixir with some easy to use libraries.
- Plug documentation
- Jason documentation - for JSON encoding and decoding