You don’t know everything
And that's okay!
It’s sometimes difficult to admit when we’re wrong or when we make mistakes but it's okay.
Here are all the articles on Benevolent Bytes, so far there's 79 of them. I hope you gain something useful from the topics I cover and you use these articles, videos and code snippets to learn new skills to succeed in your web development journey.
It’s sometimes difficult to admit when we’re wrong or when we make mistakes but it's okay.
How does Brave stack up against other browsers?
I’ve been trying to cut down on distractions in my own life and I thought I’d share what I do to tame digital distractions, reduce stress and get some productivity back.
Cypress is a JavaScript end-to-end testing framework that allows you to write tests that run in a browser much like Selenium.
I love using React but it can be a weighty framework for smaller projects and that’s why I decided to investigate Preact.
Houdini will give developers access to the browser’s CSS rendering pipeline. This is the future of CSS.
This site uses cookies and we’re going to let you know about it whether you like it or not, the lasting effect of GDPR on the web and why it doesn’t have to be this way
MobX is a state management library which can be used with React much like Redux, its tagline is “Simple, scalable state management” and it definitely delivers on the first promise.